Collective Embodiment
Global Alignment
Sacred Relations
Creating Partnerships in Service to and with life invoking sustainability, within principles of origin.
Jessica Garet
Melissa Maxwell
Stephen Busby
Roger Sams
Erin Holston Singh, ND
Thomas Hubl
The Four Cups
The Fountain
Bayo Akomolafe PhD
Ammahnda Sia
The Sanctuary for Sacred Union
Susan Bellchamber
I invite you to feel the threads of unity here and you will receive the essence of my being. Being here as an agent for transformation with and in support of all those I am in relation with. Whom I play with offers insights into this invocation I AM.


Describing the essence of who I am proves to be a fluid and evolving task. The rapid pace of transformation hinders the confinement of self-identity within a specific category. While I once labeled myself a therapist, my ongoing self-exploration and attunement to our collective energy prompted a departure from tethering myself to a singular framework.
In the presence of others, I come into existence in the current moment, where the heart, breath, soma, and listening coalesce to establish a profound connection with the present energy. Recently, I find resonance in the titles of Heart Priestess, Light Doula, Creatrix, and Breath Guide, encapsulating the essence of my being during our shared listening sessions.
Our collaborative space transcends the boundaries of the mind, body, and spirit, fostering a blend of curiosity, kindness, and joy. Together, we curate an environment that encourages exploration, journeying, and meaningful connection.
Melissa Maxwell

I am barely able to find the words that describe me partly because the full force of life has fallen me into the land of the wordless. For most of my life I’ve been the nest holding but now I feel I am the egg that has yet to hatch.
Stephen Busby
‘Worlding’ our world from within. Collectively.

I have participated over the years in many collective fields, in California where we met, In Findhorn, Scotland where he resides at the well-known Findhorn Community, and on line with global groups.
Stephen accepted my invitation to Cleveland, Ohio with my invocation to create an ongoing support practice group of locally committed change agents. Made up of eclectic practitioners (theologians, educators, therapists, doctors, and energy healers), practitioners dedicated to fostering and supporting our local communities as a team, to be bridges for sustainable community, each in our respective outreach, together as one.
I highly recommend this exquisite journey within the three books, Guidance for Life on Earth.
Practicing as a community with these guides as original principles of BEING is a journey of exquisite opportunity.
Please look within the words expressed and feel the resonance and frequency of transformation. Transforming long held beliefs that have created deep structures and collective choices. In community, in relation we bring the future, we world our world from within.
Roger Sams
Movement as Sacred Expression Within the Sound of Being

Roger and I have been collaborating since the moment I set foot on his dance floor in the early 90’s. A music education teacher who supports early childhood music education teachers, as mentor and guide of the highest intention. In service to the emergence of creative life force, love is his guiding principle.
We have led workshops and retreats, new expressions aligning as old patterns release. Our most beautiful retreat, three weeks in Bali was a magical exploration held so sweetly on sacred land. The relationships formed are forever.
A Gestalt trained therapist Roger creates a unification with his expertise as a musicologist of sacred music, a guide to awakening what has been dormant and waiting for expression. In community those that ‘move’ with him, with his guidance, find hidden places long held and unknown. His poetry awakening the poetry we all are. A sound healer, resonance is his expression of being. He brings the unknowable to the surface to be free.
Erin Holston Singh, ND
Coming home to the nature of BEING attuned with nature

She brought her beautiful presence to my studio to experience her body misalignment pattern connected to long held ancestral beliefs.
What ensued is a beautiful collaboration with some of her cancer patients to bring to the surface what has been lying dormant energetically beginning at the source of our beginning in the pelvic floor.
The breath of her scientific and energetic knowledge is astounding. Her dedication to partnership with those she serves breathtaking. Her vision for the transformation of our medical industry at the forefront of her life invocation. Supporting Erin’s life vision has been a holy experience for me as the team of heart beings she gathers together to world this transformation comes to be realized. In the city of Cleveland, Ohio there will be a sustainable life giving, life serving facility where beings can be wholly supported. I have no doubt of this.
Please look at her web site and feel the depth of commitment she embodies.
Cancer and Other Concerns
In my collaboration with Dr. Erin Holston Singh within her practice with cancer patients and other physical challenges, we are on the same page. I offer my awareness to you with the potentiality available on this journey to wholeness, I call:
Being Re Conceived as Divine Essence in Being
How can this journey support us to become awake and alive to our patterns of behavior, those that have kept us so very unaware of our reactivity within and to life stories? How does energy sequestered behind these closed doors prevent flow, movement to organs and systems that have specific functions? How does decreased flow affect our ability to release toxicity and inflammation? How are we prevented from receiving nutrients with ultimate life force?
Most importantly, how does this progression create a tired system that has been trying to be resilient and then can no longer clean the residue, the history of reactivity from this physical embodiment? How does the story of disease evolve?
Often the lightbulbs do not go on before a serious warning light starts to pulse.
The journey I embark on, the one we embark on together is an opportunity, an invitation to awaken and allow your body vessel to be the full expression for your purpose in BEING fully alive.
In this partnership with you I am here as your guide deeply inside those places that have been protected, perhaps with fear, guilt, shame, and anger that has not been given the opportunity for expression, for emergence; with the histories we inherit through ancestral lines informing behavior for generations. Is all illness emotionally related? While I cannot answer this with certainty, when our physicality is awakened with what feels to be a seering news bulletin, I know through my own and countless others that we have protected our hearts from feeling. Perhaps taking on these patterns of our lineage and repeating and repeating.
We have become separated from earth and have fed our soil with toxicity, hence feeding ourselves with the same. This great divide from nature’s truth has been slowly suffocating us. All of this we become. Separation.
If a “news bulletin” has called you to be present in ways that you have not known and are ready to listen deeply with inner senses to create the environment for optimum flow, releasing and clearing,
This, I am here for, with you.
I express this as the opportunity to be reconceived in our divine alignment that all of humanity came into embodiment to BE. Let us bring the future here now. Together.
The work that Ginny does in her private sessions is difficult to describe to someone who has not seen it or experienced it firsthand. Ginny is very gifted at reading and mirroring energy in someone and this allows her to direct exploration of memories that may be long forgotten; memories that carried some energetic pattern distortions that eventually manifested as physical distortions.
From my work with Ginny I was able to recognize certain energetic patterns that manifested physically, that in turn created blockages to my Life Force. As an energy worker myself I understand that any blockages to a person’s Life Force sets up a potential for a disease process to take hold.
The process that Ginny walked me through was much like peeling back to layers of an onion. With each session there were little kernels revealed that further unlocked the energetic blockages. The process itself seems very subtle but could be very draining. I often felt as if I had been through a vigorous workout! Of course with a little nap and some time to process the information (physically and emotionally), I always felt much better.
I am grateful for the work I did with Ginny as it has helped put me on a path to healing energetically as well as physically. That healing has helped to push back the progressing disease process in my body.
Thomas Hubl
We can and must heal the ‘soul wound’ that marks us all.

I was introduced to Thomas in the mid 90’s through a long-time friend of many years. My first taste was a world- wide gathering in a room in Oakland, CA. attended by those who knew and had explored mystical principles with him and together with each other. A screen was lowered and communities all over the world introduced themselves. Small and intimate gatherings appeared from Israel, from Germany, we in the U.S. and elsewhere. Friends in the room in which I sat, excitedly met global friends.
Through resonance and attunement I immediately resonated within the elevation of frequency Thomas received and expressed.
My decision to pursue on-line experiences and then travel the two-year journey inside the Timeless Wisdom Training, led to the next journey of participating in The Pocket Project, a year-long immersion with 150 people from 39 countries exploring intergenerational global collective trauma. This has evolved into global partnerships and groups facilitated in exploration of racialized trauma, immigration, Global Social Witnessing and so much more. The relations fostered in Israel continue to grow and expand my lens into a much wider one. I now co-facilitate the United States Pocket Project Group, and had the honor to be a holder of spaciousness in the next Timeless Wisdom Training.
What now excites me is supporting within the invitation to experience aliveness in a post-traumatic relational field.
The Four Cups
We believe people who live a life of purpose, passion and service, create organizations and communities where everyone has the opportunity to win big.

Co-creating With earth As earth
Aligning with principles of original life
Co-Creating partnerships with ‘The Cups’ has been an opportunity to BE invited deep inside creative alignment. Global Alignment. Here we meet as collaborators, as full partners in service to everyone’s intention. Building relation globally, practicing relation with guidance imbued within frequencies of love is the essence of their union. They bring dreams, intentions and desires into manifestation.
The Fountain
For the natural order of our existence
Sacred Lands Sacred Cultures Sacred Economics

These words as invocation:
“It is in the return to the sacred origins and principles of this ancestral wisdom – calling for the unification of all peoples with the earth – that a return to balance and sustainability is to be found. The vision of The Fountain, and the extraordinary sacredness of its origin and seed is of partnership between sharing original teachings, conscious collaboration, and being in action to activate sacred economics and sacred lands.”
Partnering with peoples world-wide, The Fountain is manifesting this invocation.
Bayo Akomolafe, PhD
Cracks in the container of incarceration.
For the moment get lost.

Bayo articulates a different framing of activism and sense-making, of racialization and an urgent need to slow down in times of trouble. Recognizing, as he would say, that “the poison is not in the pot, the poison is the pot” – meaning our way of responding to the crisis (climate change, environmental degradation, poverty, schooling systems, etc.) are all part of the crisis.
I have had the honor of journeying inside one of his creative containers bridging our colonially created societies within the invitation to return to principles of origin in being.
Bayo’s essay, “What Climate Collapse Asks of Us” was selected as one of the best essays on the internet in 2019 by Entropy Magazine.
Watch a recent interview with Dr. Bayo Akomolafe on “Cancel Culture”
Ammahnda Sia

I have been the receiver of her gifts of sight, as have many others I know. She has consulted with me and a whole group I facilitate. She leads journeys that bring history, mystical history, alive. Her presence with those that consult with her a deep honoring as she supports to bring forth one’s personal ancestral history alive. Deep relational healing is birthed creating freedom to BE creative. To BE life force.
The Sanctuary for Sacred Union
Experience the power of union
In service to divine wholeness, truth and love

She and I have journeyed together within a healing group synthesizing our energy fields to support those in need. Her focus and energy expands in all arenas she plays inside of fields of expansive awareness is vast.
Her life partner, husband and divine traveler on this journey is Todd Smiedendorf, creating space for divine love to emerge.
Together they are The Pastor and the Priestess
The Sanctuary for Sacred Union an inter-faith spiritual community and resource that honors teachings and practices from a variety of religious, indigenous, and esoteric wisdom traditions. Sacred Union is an experience of wholeness, balance and coherence that serves Life; it is the healing antidote to the myth of separation. The spiritual path of Sacred Union acknowledges that we are all connected in a unified whole, and we are all unique.
As we walk this path, we are called to explore the humility of our human nature and the dignity of our divine nature.
Susan Bellchamber
A socio-ecomonic (r)evolutionary

Her studies are vast in psychology and economics and so much more. Her experience and partnerships reveal the depth of her commitment. Her commitment to the transformation of our dysfunctional relation with money, how trauma informs and designs fiscal participation personally and as societies.
From her website:
“Susan’s current work focuses on facilitating personal integration of collective and intergenerational trauma, with specific focus on healing trauma around money, envisioning new economic possibilities, and supporting post-traumatic growth.”
“a passionate advocate for replacing a world of winner-take-all by creating a world of collaborative synergy…”
Sustainability, collaboration and love guide her passionate caring journey.
What excites me about Susan’s journey is the willingness to feel “post-trauma.” Living from and with alignment in tune with original principles of BEING alive.